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Old 2008-05-14, 12:19   Link #247
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Dark Wing View Post
The one thing I would like to avoid in this series is yet another meaningless pairing war...I'm sick of reading posts on every anime that has a love triangle about who will win out in the end...
I agree. There's an awful lot of substance to Macross Frontier to discuss without delving into the banal horse race fights that plague so many other shows. Still, people have a right to talk about the things that interest them, so there's no real helping that. I find the best way to reduce that is to simply bring up points that you're interested in, and to pay no attention to what doesn't.

Originally Posted by Dark Wing View Post
I know it's part of the story but thats not the main focus. What about the meachs, dog fights in space, secret behind the aliens attacking humanity, and why Altoh dislikes his family so much...I could go on and on but to get straight to the point...What I'm saying is there is more to a series then just a paring...
To add to what the others have said, the relationships (Not the romance!) currently really do lie at the heart of Macross Frontier. The action and the overarching plot may figure more prominently in the later episodes, but they're not the main themes yet. Then again, talk about who's going to "win" at the end is sort of silly when we're six episodes into a two-cour show; especially since none of the characters are all that concerned with "winning" yet.

Originally Posted by Westlo View Post
Actually this is Macross, it matters just as much as all that stuff if not more, same with Kawamori's Escaflowne which I like better than even the original Macross. Main focus in Macross has always been romance and music as well as the mecha action, those are the 3 staples of Macross you can say.
Pretty much. All of the Macross shows had these focii, albeit their relative importance varies a great deal depending on which work it is. So far, the mecha part is getting the short end of the stick in Macross Frontier - although that's probably going to change starting in episode 7.

On a totally different note, I've got to applaud the cinematography for the last bit of episode 6. There are two shots in particular that I loved: The first is the scene transition from Alto's cockpit to Sheryl's concert entrance - the creators used the earring as the connecting element between the two, and they placed a nifty emphasis on its current location by having it disappear from Sheryl's ear. That shot did a good job of reinforcing the distance of the two characters, and established exactly who Sheryl's song was for. The other shot was of Ranka running to the concert and the pan upwards to reveal the concert hall. Not only was it awfully pretty, but it put the hilly geography of San Francisco 2.0 to good use. Currently, the stitched-together pan resides as my computer wallpaper.

I want to add my appreciation for that little butt-slap scene on board SMS Macross Quarter. Aside from being amusing, the bridge bunnies and captain have only had about a minute or two of total screen-time so far in the first six episodes, but little scenes like that go a long way towards giving them some personality and individuality. It also shows that the relationship between Jeffrey and Monica goes beyond purely a professional one.
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