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Old 2008-05-14, 13:06   Link #253
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Originally Posted by cerrian View Post
If only they had their primary animators on that scene . Seriously, it took me about 3-4 replays to figure out he was slapping her ass.

On another note, there was one scene in ep 6 that I felt was a bit out of place. It was when Alto and Micheal were in the crew quarters and Micheal goes on to recite the contract exemption clause. That whole scene felt inappropriate (music and animation) and broke the pacing of the episode. It was semi-redundant b/c Ozma had already given us the key points during the phone call. It probably would have been better to just give Ozma and extra line or 2 to explain the details of the contract and edit out the Micheal scene.
Yeah, I understood the point of what Michael was saying and how they intended for him to be mocking, but they didn't really ease into it. It still conveys the fact that Michael thinks it sucks for them. Especially since it means that even though they're essentionally a part of the regular military, they still don't recieve the same benefits (family restitution) and dignities (burials) of dying in the line of duty.

It really does make all the sense in the world to use the SMS over any other unit when you consider that.

Originally Posted by 4Tran View Post
I can't agree with that: the Zentradi mall sequence was one of the most visually imaginative and fun pieces I've ever seen in anime; and because of it, I'd place episode 5 as one of my favorite episodes in the last decade.
I was totally not refering to that scene at all. "Sheryl in Zentradiland" was a defining scene of her for me.
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