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Old 2008-05-15, 08:03   Link #47
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Originally Posted by Cal-Reflector View Post
I'll need to know more about the new characters before I feel safe incorporating. Wouldn't do to have say... Nonette run and join up with Lelouch's merry gang, only to have her turn out to be the Demon Biatch who personally shot Nunally and Marianne way back then.

Unlikely now, but as long as the possibility exists...
Sure, but Nonette hasn't appeared yet. I think Rolo and probably Li are pretty straight-forward as characters. I'd probably go with Li first though, if you choose to take the story to Asia eventually, he seems the one with the least to hide while Rolo's still got his mystery of his Geass's origins mojo going on. Then again maybe you can avoid mentioning it since no one has to be aware it exists until you feel comfortable with it or until we get more information.

Edit: Now that I've noticed you've made Darlton and Lelouch quite close, perhaps this could be an avenue to invite our pretty school bo- I mean the Glaston Knights, it would be hilarious to see what kind of interaction they would have with their father's favorite pupil, and none of it too pleasing for them.
"That is why we must embrace carnage. In order to not waste the blood that has already been shed, we have no choice but to shed even more."- Lelouch Vi Britannia

Last edited by KrimzonStriker; 2008-05-15 at 08:23.
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