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Old 2008-05-15, 10:07   Link #9310
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Originally Posted by Var View Post
The field is relatively knew, Lloyd knew about the power of the explosive. I'd figure he knew of the driving force being the Uranium and not the sakuradite. They made a fake-fission bomb, as I said. This, however, does not translate into understanding the concept of fission for a power source. It took over a decade to turn the atomic bomb into a controllable energy source. Sakuradite would play no role in the subject.

They already made a bomb, they simply forgot to include Plotonium... hence it being a fake-nuke. Without the plutonium the reaction may not even reach real fission.
Ohhhhh, your talking about nuclear energy. Well sure, I can see why it would take a while before that happened, she is still trying to sort through the bueracracy if Suzaku's words are any indication since she recently defended her thesis before some scientific council. Okay then... BTW how did the subject change from the bomb to the reactor again?

Well, you don't really know the properties of Sakuradite itself or what kind of effect it can have so you can't really say that, can you? >_>
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