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Old 2008-05-18, 10:40   Link #234
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Originally Posted by Haesslich View Post
Doing so once us understandable. The problem isn't that he did it here - it is that he's done it three times in a row. Even if Shinsen or whoever is sponsoring them, if he has a record of trashing planes, Ozma has to at least yell at him. This is to lerlt him know he can't expect to spend his whole SMS career blowing up his own fighter without any consequences. Or, to put it another way, would you like to always have to replace expensive equipment everytime a certain person did a job, when you can do the same job without blowing up your gear, and everyone else but that employee also avoids trashing stuff while getting the job done? Or would you hire someone else who can get a job done but without the constant wreckage?
So test piloting is perfect for him. Macross universe's Launchpad McQuack.

Coming out unscathed every time.
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