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Old 2008-05-20, 21:05   Link #1218
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Originally Posted by yezhanquan View Post
To me, Suzaku is a "neither-here-nor-there" type of character. He certainly isn't goody-two-shoes, yet he's not prepared to go "all the way", so to speak. Tell me there's a reason why he's like this.
Originally Posted by Daito-kun
The relationship between Lulu and Suzaku are very complex, and in the sam time, very simple. It's hate, wich become twisted due to their past friendship. Somethin, that can be resoleved in two ways - washed away with blood one of them or makin the max possible distance between those two, so the never meet again.
Personally I lost my respect to Suzaku in ep 2 of r2, when find out why lulu still alive. Suzaku simply did'nt kill him. WTF?!!! After all big talk about that now he has the one he hate, about zero's existance is a mistake, about other stuff... and he simply traded his best friend and best enemy to the Knight of Round position... To prevent himself from losin anyone dear to him again,as he said later. Where all those "change system from the inside" line go?!
well, at least, he became a little more honest.
Suzaku talks big to hype himself up so that he can atleast take on the task...What people forget or ignore about him is that he is a pretty tame guy in-terms of his base personality (Which is a complete opposite of Lulu who would have been an emo-cool, arrogant, pious a$$ even if he never got the geass)...Suzaku plays with a kitty-cat for fun for God's sake...When he didn't kill Lulu in ep 26, he prolly just wanted to make him suffer as much as he could without actually killing his friend (Perhaps even feeling in his warped mind like having his memories wiped and Nunally-wiped away by his hated father no doubt was worse than death, but something he could live with)...

Yes he hates him now, but I doubt he would ever just stab him out like he did his father in any scenario (Well until he turns into Anakin as the current course of this season suggests^^) ...You also gotta remember Euffie died in his arms like less than a couple of hours before he captures Lulu so he was high off hate-adrenaline at the time...After what Lulu did to Euffie on the surface (Which no one knows about STILL but C.C. and Lulu), Suzaku stop giving a damn...The girl died a painful, painful death right before his eyes, geassed-out fighting herself from killing him...That does something to a man I think, even if he still is wishy washy at times...Selling Lulu out was a fate worse than death for him...
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