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Old 2004-04-12, 01:50   Link #85
Join Date: Apr 2003
We'll see how they develop it, but it comes off as a bit TOO much like BGC so far IMHO. Sei is undoubtedly the Sylia of the series providing the money and equipment. Joe is your Priss -- the carefree leader of the fighting or whatever. Meg is your (can't remember her name, wears the green suit in BGC2040) who speaks her mind whenever she feels like it. Amy is your Nene/Skuld of the operation. Then you have Kyohei as your Mackey (looks damn near identical to Mackey too lol) of the group.

Sad thing is if I released my anime fiction I've been devising for a couple years now, people would think I ripped off BakuTen heavily, except for the Western setting and fanservice ;p
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