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Old 2008-05-28, 08:03   Link #219
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Originally Posted by SymphonicRain View Post
-Sheryl breaks down during her concert due to stress
She was acting. She acts out all the time.

-Sheryl trashes half of the school just for her panty
While having an awesome time doing it.

Just these two points alone I think pretty much negate your point of Sheryl being perfect. There's also several traits and perks of Sheryl's character definitely doesn't make her perfect at all.
She may not be "perfect" but she does whatever she wants and walks all over people i.e. Alto.

Where's the Sheryl from episode two that wore a disguise when she went out in public? She gave up on that as soon as five rolled around, if not earlier. Speaking of episode five, where's that Sheryl at? I would never have imagined her wrecking a school because of a pair of panties, as funny and entertaining as that may have been. Not to mention running people doing with a limo and being a general agent of Chaos.

Episode one Sheryl? Denigrates the flight students and makes a hasty retreat when her fans, whom she appeals to later on when her precious Galaxy that she hates is attacked, are in danger from...something.

She's not very consistent is she?
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