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Old 2008-05-28, 08:51   Link #221
I disagree with you all.
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by SuperKnuckles View Post
I'm not too sure I really like how Alto and Sheryl is putting it all up on 'destiny' too readily and simply. It's like they're totally jinxing themselves considering that a lot of it was a sheer will to succeed at what they're doing, and a lot of the events are simply out of their control (If the Vajra didn't attack, Alto wouldn't be in SMS).
He'd still be studying to be a pilot, though.

And leaving it all up to destiny is the inverse of what they're advocating. They're saying "Don't second-guess what you were born for, just go for it. With all your might. So what if you lost at Miss Macross, or what if your family's against it? If you want to sing, sing. Go grab success with both hands and don't let go."

Originally Posted by Wesley84 View Post
She was acting. She acts out all the time.
I don't think the tears is the image she was going for.

While having an awesome time doing it.
Which just makes her more imperfect. So, for that matter, does that bit where Alto had to save her life because she wouldn't look before she jumped.

She may not be "perfect" but she does whatever she wants and walks all over people i.e. Alto.
It's been established since ep1 that she's a bit of a prima donna. And since ep... 2 or 3 that's she's a go getter.

Episode one Sheryl? Denigrates the flight students and makes a hasty retreat when her fans, whom she appeals to later on when her precious Galaxy that she hates is attacked, are in danger from...something.
She doesn't hate Galaxy. She used to hate her life there, when she was an orphan kid. That's not the same. And leaving some place you "hate" for greener pastures, going on a journey, only to discover there's no place like home, is an old story. Only difference here is that she wasn't especially trying to escape.

Also, what would you have her do at the Vajra attack? Stay there to cause more confusion?
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