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Old 2008-06-07, 14:24   Link #1159
Kaioshin Sama
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Neither Here nor There
Age: 39
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Originally Posted by Mirrinus View Post
Lone Island Syndrome also originally involved Haruhi drinking. They can just replace it with some other type of drink; it's not exactly integral to the plot.

Since they already parodied lots of anime tropes with "The Adventures of Asaniha Mikuru", it just seems logical that a parody of video game tropes would be in order with just the first story from "Suzumiya Haruhi Theater".
Probably Super Robot Wars, Dragon Quest, stuff that's popular with Otaku, but see that's what I'm talking about, that's what I think Haruhi has always been about, watching the characters engage in wacky adventures and fun-filled antics. It has never been the ultra deep series others have found to me, but one that is about cutting loose. That's but one of the reasons I think people are a getting a little dramatic about the whole series. It's meant to be fun, not the second coming (eww!) that we all have to prepare for in earnest.

Suzumiya Haruhi Theater as a first episode would be gimmicky as hell in that it's fully of gimmick imagery, but I can guarantee for anyone who likes to kick back and relax that it will make the time go by like that and it's the perfect way to ease people back into the franchise. It's only a shame it might night be during a hot lazy summer day like the first time around.
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