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Old 2008-06-11, 04:08   Link #25
Kaioshin Sama
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Neither Here nor There
Age: 39
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The problem I had with Sky Girls is that it got the Girls part down, but not so much the sky. They spent so much time dawdling around in rather uninteresting and often derivative independent character stories rather than actually going out and doing anything that it just started to drag like Gundam Seed Destiny. It was like 7 episodes before they actually got out of the simulators and then the episode where they got the order that they were about to leave Obama it wasn't until three episodes or so later that they actually did. Even once they got on the boat there still wasn't very much going on because they kept going for shore leave. (this is where the series started to remind me of Gundam Seed Destiny because every 2-3 episodes they were on damn shore leave again)

Any episodes that focused on Karen also made my eyes immediately glaze over because it was never about anything so much as her obsessing over her brother who we never even get to see. Really I wouldn't have minded all the focus on the character if they'd bothered to make it somewhat unique and interesting, but they didn't, and that's why a part of me hopes this one is just an action driven series. At least then it will be interesting on some level, like uhhh.... I don't know Episode 15 of Gundam X (I Wonder If There's A Heaven) or any of the Turn A Gundam episodes that took place in Vicinity, Nocis, or on one of the farms.
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