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Old 2008-06-12, 21:02   Link #74
Burner of Anime
Illegal Additives
Join Date: Jun 2004
Originally Posted by Wesley84 View Post
I love Global. It's cute how uncomfortable he gets with all the young women around him.
No Smoking on the Bridge Captain! ()

Sometimes I really wonder who is the real Captain on the bridge of the SDF-1 In addition to the operational work, Misa put in a number of tactical insights that has saved the ship's collective asses time and again. Then again, she started the series as a LT and ended up as it's first expeditionary and colonisation fleet admiral. Now that's breaking the glass ceiling.

But the love here comes from how she isn't superhumanly perfect like Miriya or charismatic as Idol Minmay. Despite being apparently smarter than many of the characters combined, there are times when her lapses in judgement have proven to be dangerous [and for Canada-fatal >_<]. Half the fun is watching her fall down hard, the other half is how quickly she picks up the pieces and moves on. Girl works hard, and is harder on herself during times of weakness.

Have to agree on the classic definition of tsun-dere attached. She goes through the full range of human emotions from cold, jealous and vengeful to caring and playful [Misa+baby is ]. That's suprising because I never tagged the character to display all that in the beginning- probably explains her appeal to many.
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