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Old 2008-06-13, 15:57   Link #59
Optimus Prime
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Japan/Canada
Age: 39
Gin's role in this chapter pretty much confirms what I've thought of him from the start - he's not really as much of a baddie as people seem to think he is. His comment pretty much solidifies that. He's just a little kid and this (what he's doing with Aizen) is all one big game to him. Aizen's just using it to his advantage - at least that's how I see it anyway.

Well, that theory will pretty much be either completely confirmed or completely busted once we see how he interacts with Rangiku when they meet up again (which they will...and they will have an epic battle. I also think she'll be the one to take him out but that's a story for another day).
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