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Old 2004-04-15, 01:56   Link #43
Dreaming of you.
Join Date: Mar 2004
Well, Kyubi(Kitsune) and Shukaku(Tanuki) are based off of Japanese mythology, so we know for a fact that he didnt make those characters up.

I think he made up the part where he called Kyubi one of the great 9 Youma. Ive searched the net for awhile and I couldnt come up with any stories about 8 other great youma. Nor have I found any stories depicting the kitsune as belonging to some group of all powerful demons.

Interesting note:
Shukaku is said to be the spirit of a dead priest sealed in a tea kettle earlier in the manga, and then he's also referred to as a demon(I think...), well, in one of the myths about the Tanuki, he is said to have the ability to take any form, and its two favorite are as a monk or as a tea kettle.
Also, he also has giant testicles, which he bangs on like drums from time to time.
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