Thread: Yggdra Union
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Old 2008-06-15, 14:01   Link #219
Join Date: Dec 2006
Originally Posted by Ledgem View Post
What does a language have to do with a person's race? I must have missed the accusations over racism with regard to language, but the next time anyone says something foolish like that inform them that you're simply language-biased. I like to think of it as "listening to it the way that it was intended" - created in Japan and Japanese? Japanese it is. China? Mandarin or Cantonese it is.

Does anyone think that there'll be a DS remake for Yggdra Union? I don't have a PSP nor do I intend to buy one, but the PSP remake of Yggdra Union sounds enticing. I believe SD memory cards have capacities that rival or exceed the discs that the PSP uses, right? So they should be able to fit it all on there, and I'd imagine that the DS could match the processing requirements...
Just ignore it. That website/forum (I believe krisslanza is talking about Lacrima Castle) is full of flaming and nonsense anyways. I only find it useful for the CGs, avatars, and the such.

That would be awesome, but I doubt it will happen. Sting is currently busy with another DS game and such...
But if it does happen, it would be very welcome.

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