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Old 2004-04-15, 08:27   Link #44
Join Date: Mar 2004
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Age: 36
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Originally Posted by socomberetta
Well, Kyubi(Kitsune) and Shukaku(Tanuki) are based off of Japanese mythology, so we know for a fact that he didnt make those characters up.

I think he made up the part where he called Kyubi one of the great 9 Youma. Ive searched the net for awhile and I couldnt come up with any stories about 8 other great youma. Nor have I found any stories depicting the kitsune as belonging to some group of all powerful demons.

Interesting note:
Shukaku is said to be the spirit of a dead priest sealed in a tea kettle earlier in the manga, and then he's also referred to as a demon(I think...), well, in one of the myths about the Tanuki, he is said to have the ability to take any form, and its two favorite are as a monk or as a tea kettle.
Also, he also has giant testicles, which he bangs on like drums from time to time.

i was reading some where on foxs and how their a major folklore or myth thing in japan. they had foxes but it didnt seem the same as narutos fox becuse these would only inter girls bodys through the breast. unless thiers something about naruto we dont know. they had a 9 tails fox that everyone tired to kill but its hard to find info on it. thier was like 2 foxs ones that were good and the ones that where evil perhaps the one that was evil was the nine tails.

9 is considerd a suppior number in budhust or something (sry cant spell that for the life of me)
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