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Old 2008-06-17, 13:17   Link #262
Speedy Sea Cucumber
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Philadelphia
Originally Posted by justinstrife View Post
My guess then, is you haven't lived long enough. Or haven't been exposed to enough different cultures, cities, and people. Hard to say though since you haven't filled out your profile.
Hey I did put down where I live... and you're my neighbor, so go figure.

Anyway, I like to think it's quite the opposite of that; there's a reason I got the handle I use... but then being somewhat of a traveller/drifter has advantages and disadvantages... you can meet alot of people along the way if you're open to it, but if you're hard up... eh... this forum isn't about me. I'm 33 now and alot more settled, albeit single ATM.

If you truly believe that men and women don't think that differently, you haven't looked into very many marriages and relationships. Not only are the hobbies different, but the personalities, even the roles are generally different. Yet they are consistent with the way men and women think. There are always exceptions, but this is a topic where the liberal way of thinking that men and women are the same, is a complete lie. We're equal, but very, very different
I'm honestly kind of burned out by the self defense/analysis up there ^ but overall, you're right. However, alot of that is social norms, or cultural, or physical. Yes, it has been pretty much scientifically proven that there are minor differences in how men and women process information, hormones, etc. and there are things men are better at than women and vice versa (although I don't know if that's PC to say really).

What I'm trying to say is that, (and I'm sure alot of this comes from having to play relationship counselor for some female friends lately) especially when you're taking marriage and relationships into account, aspirations, insecurities, etc. etc. really aren't any different at all.

Doesn't mean I think women are any less crazy tho...
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