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Old 2008-06-24, 11:39   Link #1327
Heaven's Nightmare
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Why should you care?
Age: 35
Originally Posted by Roger Rambo View Post
The problem is that the reason you are going back in time is to keep A from happening. But now that A hasn't happened, there was nothing for you to go back to correct, thus preventing you from ever going back in time to prevent A from happening.
Maybe there's a way, if you go back to change something yourself, then your past self will have no reason to go back when he reaches the time when he would have to travel ----> Problem.

But if you go back in order to change something, not directly, but making someone else (someone who belongs to that past time)do it for you, then your past self may have a reason to go back when the time comes, which would be to ask this person to do this thing.

Then the past would be the way it was because you inderectly influenced it, but no changed it with your own hands.

Or maybe i'm just talking nonsense

PD: sorry for grammar

Last edited by Deadwings; 2008-06-24 at 11:41. Reason: grammar
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