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Old 2004-04-16, 23:38   Link #31
Join Date: Nov 2003
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Originally Posted by Suikun
I guess it mostly just bugs me that it's as popular as it is, when I really don't think it deserves to be. There are tons of other shows, like Now and Then, Here and There, Gunslinger Girls, etc. that deserve the amount of popularity that Cowboy Bebop gets.
Wow, you already wrote almost everything what I was going to write! Amazing!

I dislike Cowboy Bebop for much of the same reasons you listed. It bored me to tears and I dreaded through watching it (original Japanese voice).

Another series that I don't really like, but many people seem to, is Shoujo Kakumei Utena ( 少女革命ウテナ ) or Revolutionary Girl Utena.

I think Utena is one seriously messed up anime series. I'm very surprised that it has 39 (?) episodes.

No offence to anyone who likes either of the above series. I'm just stating my opinion.
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