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Old 2008-06-27, 03:47   Link #1936
Adeptus Animus
Join Date: Jan 2007
Age: 36
Originally Posted by Comartemis View Post
  • Recovery of Vivio is TOP PRIORITY
  • Recovery of Type-Zero Combat Cyborgs is a secondary concern
Actually,top priority was pulling off the attack and getting out. Both Vivio and Type-Zero were secondary objectives, as they could also be aquired at a later date.

Originally Posted by Comartemis View Post
Comacanon changes to HQ Attack situation:
  • Zead prepares for worst case scenario and calls in a few favors. Church Knights under Iris's command and/or Durandal are on standby at the opening of the attack.
  • Alex is cooling his heels at RF6 headquarters.
  • Zafira, as Hayate's immediate subordinate, is at the press conference
  • Hayate is free to leave the conference with Fate and Nanoha, since Zead is the one trapped in the meeting room.
Sounds good.

Originally Posted by Comartemis View Post
Possible course of events:
  • Iris and the Church Knights delay the initial charge of the Gadgets, preventing them from blocking off HQ with an AMF field for a few minutes. The Aces go mobile during this time, rendezvous with the Forwards, and engage the Cyborgs in an epic melee outside HQ.
  • Zead convinces Regius to evacuate the tower ASAP
  • Rein and Hayate go Unison and intercept Zest and Agito, showing off Schwertkreuz's shiny new halberd form, and proceed to lay the smack down on Z&A at all ranges. She's called a Mage-Knight for a reason, fellas.
  • Vita and Signum engage Sette and Tre, while Lutecia summons multiple waves of Gadgets--including Type-IVs and several of Jail's prototype designs--and her insects to keep Nanoha, Fate, and all unengaged forces occupied. Garyuu and Hokutenou also make appearances.
  • The Forwards engage Nove and Wendi
  • Lutecia is unable to reinforce Otto and Deed for the RF6 HQ attack; her position is taken by Cein and Quattro.
  • Jail's objective for the GFHQ attack switches to a desperate holding action, trying to buy time for the other Numbers to pull off the RF6 HQ attack and make off with Vivio and her Relic. With Lutecia providing endless waves of reinforcements, this looks as if it will be successful...
  • Cinque is knocked out and captured by Ginga due to lack of support from Nove and Wendi.
  • Otto, Deed, Quattro, Cein, and their Gadget backup successfully smash up RF6 HQ despite a valiant defense by Alex and Shamal. The timely arrival of Durandal coincides with a Limiter Override code from Hermes, and the tide shifts in an instant.
  • Cein attempts to pull Vivio and her relic out of the interior of RF6 but is badly wounded by Vice and Storm Raider. She escapes with the relic, but no Vivio.
  • Quattro pulls back and leaves her "sisters" to the tender mercies of Latona and Alex after claiming Vivio's relic from Sein.
  • The battle continues to turn further and further against Jail, who psychotically refuses to believe he's been beaten until the last cyborg has fallen and his plans are completely in shambles.
  • OPTIONAL: In his psychosis, Jail tries for one last hurrah by triggering a self-destruct mechanism in the cyborgs, trying to take as many enemies out as he possibly can. Uno, Due, Tre, and Quattro fail to detonate because Jail never installed the self-destruct mechanism in them (he just "remembers" that he did, which the Original wants him to think). A faulty transmitter in Cinque's body, damaged by her fight with Ginga (she got clipped by a Vibration Shatter), renders her the only survivor of the second generation cyborgs. She'll go on to swear vengeance against her creator for slaughtering her sisters and reluctantly join up with Durandal.
  • Tre and Quattro show off bits of equipment they shouldn't have as they engage in a cross-dimension jump, heading back to the original Jail with bad news. Due assassinates the high council and jumps out. Uno offs the clone after his stunt with the detonator and ports out after hitting the lab's self-destruct button and carting off all the relics and all the research data the clone collected.
Barring the optional self-destruct scenario, that sounds like a good scenario.

Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
I'm actually doubtful the Church Knights would be deployed, given the fact that their loyalty is to the Saint Church, rather than the TSAB proper.
Why would it be strange for them to deploy? The Church is allied to the Bureau, after all. Carim is even an officer in the TSAB.

Originally Posted by Saint X View Post
Noted about the design.

I was about to post here a suggestion for another Bow but meh- it's up to you to use it or not, i'll just post away.

Spoiler for Proposed Bow Design:
Hmm, I'm going to try a different design first. I'm going to try and Devicify Archerko's Carven Bow.

Originally Posted by Mirron View Post
I plan on using enchanted cards to summon. Possible to use as weapons as well.
Like the Lieze twins?
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