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Old 2008-07-02, 01:53   Link #2157
~ I Do ~
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Originally Posted by Comartemis View Post
I had thought of the linker core being the center of a magical cardiovascular system (magic circuits!) similar to the chakra rivers present in Naruto characters, I just forgot to mention it.
Chakra rivers, infused nervous systems, magic circuits... They are all the same thing, and in other for magical damage to actually work (or something to recognize and avoid damage), there must a piece of the system running through the whole body.

Originally Posted by Comartemis View Post
"Linked mana"? As in mana being used in spells or mana ready to be used in spells, i.e. a personal mana pool?
Mana able to be used in spells, because raw unlinked mana is useless. AMF takes advantage of this by forcibly delinking the mana in a constructed spell, causing it to fizzle faster than it usually does. This is mentioned specifically in the booklets.

Originally Posted by Comartemis View Post
I remember the DVD booklet mentioning that mages had to eat more than most people, but I chalked this up to their cores--being muscles--consuming a lot of physical energy. Eating food just for the purpose of replenishing mana sounds like something out of an RPG.
Unfortunately, this is quoted wholesale from the DVD Booklet so no escaping it. Anyway, it's the same thing: Mages do have a higher energy requirement than normal people, and it's because they harness 2 forms of raw energy sources instead of 1.

Originally Posted by Comartemis View Post
Yeah, missed that one big time. Where is this mentioned?
DVD Booklet, in the same article as A Mage's Diet.

Originally Posted by Comartemis View Post
Therein lies the logic disconnect for me; how can a muscle be purely spiritual?
It isn't a muscle, period. It can't be detected by simple imaging, or even surgical techniques, but it remains anchored to the person's soul and that undiscovered secondary comms network. At least this is what I think, using what I know so far.

Originally Posted by Comartemis View Post
This works for me, to a degree. I'm still trying to get over the whole "core = muscle" thing, so I'm having a hard time conceiving of an LC behaving very differently from a muscle; just "awakening" technically shouldn't be possible.
See my above answer. It really doesn't have to be a muscle, or any material component at all.

Just to add on: The LC only becomes visible with special scanning techniques of the magical world. They know how to look for it and make it visible.

Also, Shamal couldn't target something she can't see right? She even missed it, so making it visible would've helped.

Originally Posted by Comartemis View Post
The shinigami comparison sounds kinda out there to me, but transferring a linker core shouldn't necessarily be impossible with the right spells.
It is. I only just thot of it.

Originally Posted by JINNSK View Post
I have finished my homework...Excuse my lazy translation.
Basically remaining part mentions Hayate's character.So,I'm not sure whether there is new information for you...

Spoiler for Original:

Spoiler for translation:
Gah Hayate really went for the Priest route, no wonder she kinda sucks in melee/physical damage. Even her squishiness makes sense now.

Still doesn't remove the notion that she can combat with instant spells and suitable defences. Like a Shadow Priest.

It's all good to know; and I'm glad its still keikakudoori on my side of things.

And once again, whether we like it or not, canon follows the specifications of a game. Party mechanics, spell versus physical damage specialization, recharging mana with items or just sitting there, barrier jackets that work on stats alone, allowing Plate-ranked bikinis to have more defensive power than a full-body robe; this is the reality of canon we have to face as much as it doesn't make sense elsewhere. Suspension of Disbelief anyone?

And it's even more keikakudoori for my Codices!!! ^_^
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