Thread: Licensed Sekirei / Jupiterjukers
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Old 2008-07-04, 06:55   Link #450
I disagree with you all.
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Tempest35 View Post
*got through the manga - marathon style* @_@ ...*crawls into bed*

... Hannya of the North...Miya-san...*blushes* she's hawt... Oh why do strong yet gentle women always get me going...XD Well, if they're a lil rough, I don't mind either.

Musubi's inner (Pedo)Bear has been unleashed. lol

So let's go through the list of powers that our lead Ashikabi has at his disposal...

Strength/Heart (powahz)
Plants/Earth (loli)
Computer Tech/Information

"By your powers combined, I am Capt Planet!"

Cookies for those who get it. XD *crawls off to bed laughing*
What kind of lame power is heart, anyway? Well... Roar. (Also, he'd become Captain Geeky Planet. Look for the intruder...)
Originally Posted by Tempest35 View Post
Oh dear, Homura...making little boys gay for him/her

I prefer Miya above all so far. I can guess that who she married was her Ashikabi...lucky lucky lucky lucky man. Now if only the word 'Hannya' didn't auto-click in my head over to the one guy from Rurouni Kenshin...

Why do nearly all the men who have strong women with them do NOT know how to throw a straight jab, much less need entire anime seasons to develop backbones straight enough to stand for themselves? This plagues/offends my GAR mentality greatly... Sure, the women are hot and all and are incredibly toughen yourself up, or at least learn diverse ways of utilizing their least show that much...*grumble grumble* It's nice that they chose him and all but I'd like for Minato to do something more than washing the clothes while they're out kicking ass. And not even him, nearly all the other guys in here just kick back and relax and expect their sekirei to do everything. Even worse that they act spoiled and whiny about it too. *boot boot*
Eh. I kinda prefer it, in cases of actual superpower. I mean, it's a matter of powerlevels. If it's a battle of superhumans, well, keep it to the superhumans. The litterature is full of stories of strong males rescuing damsels in distress. The last thing we need is for strong females to get nerfed so the male can take center stage.

I prefer dynamics like AMG. Keichi does what he can, but he doesn't become a God or anything... (except that one time he got an angel).
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