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Old 2008-07-04, 07:27   Link #49
Slice of Life
Join Date: Jan 2007
Trying to be objective, I'd put Kurenai, Kaiba, and Twenty Faces above anything I recall Gonzo doing. (Including Gankutsuou. Definitely so.) And that's from Spring 2008 alone. Personally, I think their shows are neither the smartest, nor the funniest, the most exicting or the most heart-warming out there. No matter how I look at them they are no great studio. Your view might differ but for once the customer base seems to agree with me which happens rarely enough.

But still, a few months the thought that Gonzo of all studios might go down wouldn't even have crossed my mind. Well, if I were more interested in industry news then maybe it would. I always thought of Gonzo as a studio that caters the masses with mediocre stuff, yes. But that should be a safer strategy than concentrating on niche audiences. Looks like I my view on the market was warped. If I were more interested in industry news etcpp, well, see above.

I'd rather not see them die and be it only for the sake of variety on the market from which we all profit.
- Any ideas how to fill this space?
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