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Old 2008-07-14, 10:07   Link #6
AS Oji-kun
Join Date: Nov 2006
Age: 74
Originally Posted by ZODDGUTS View Post
Most of the people that worked on the Shadow Hearts series went on to Feel+ a new game company which made Lost Oddesey though the director of the Shadow Hearts series didn't go to that new game company.
Actually the correct wiki URL is, and since they were set up by Microsoft to develop games for the XBox, we won't be playing their games since we don't own any XBox devices.

I think SH2 is somewhat better than SH1 in terms of gameplay and graphics, though I thoroughly enjoyed both games. The third game is pretty mediocre despite its much larger doses of fanservice (yes, even more than Karin's skin-tight costume and Lucia's ample bust). The female characters wear ever more revealing outfits as the games progress.

Koudelka is a rather strange game. I found the battle system annoying after a while because even simple encounters take forever with all the moving and such. Koudelka herself is a pretty compelling character, though less so in SH1. It seemed when she appears in Shadow Hearts they stripped all that dark cynicism from her character that made her so appealing in her namesake game.

It's too bad we probably won't be seeing any more games from these people because I thought they had some of the best writers in gaming. Sequences in SH2 like the conversations with Garan about his pillow, or the whole "stud cards" quest, were just hilarious. These games are a great change of pace from the more relentlessly serious style of RPG story-telling in, say, the FF series.

Yuri Hyuga may be one of the best protagonists in RPG history. One of my favorite sequences with Yuri occurs at the beginning of SH2:

Warning: The ending of SH2 is quite controversial. If you're going to play this game, don't read spoilers.
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