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Old 2008-07-21, 16:34   Link #303
Beautiful fighter.
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Location: England, UK
Age: 37
Originally Posted by terrus View Post
or are they biological armour/guyver like creatures similar to the Xam'd.
I'm gonna put my money on biological. That's just the feeling i get when i see them in the OP, along with their design & what we've seen from the Xam'd transformation scene.

Originally Posted by terrus View Post
also wouldn't call the world Xam'd is set in 'Steampunk' as that means the main powersource in the world is steam. I would call it 'retro-futurstic' which is what is used to describe things like 'Dan Dare' or 'The Jetsons', but what else could you call it? The world does seem to be similar to the ninteen fifties, there is radio but no televsion (which is evident in the fact that there are no display screens in the air docks control room or onboard the ship at the start) and the bus and other vehicles seem to be of an old design.
Retro-futuristic is a good one. Though maybe future isn't the word we're looking for here --- all we're seeing is technology unlike our own. I am rather amazed with the old style fashion though --- bus and all. It just makes me look forward to what else we may see from this series in terms of old fashion.
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