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Old 2008-07-21, 17:14   Link #7503
Evangelion Xgouki
NERV Personnel
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Tokyo 3, Japan
Age: 39
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Originally Posted by ghazghkull View Post

*runs for the nearest shelter*
The bridge of the Sovereign-class vessel was relatively quiet. To the experienced crew, it was a pleasing sound; no incoming threats, no damage or malfunctions on the ship, no strange forces or beings invading the vessel. But as the old Earth saying went, all good things must come to an end.

"Sir, we're approaching the probe's last known location," spoke Ensign Perim from her position at the ship's conn.

From his center seat of position, the older Jean Luc-Picard nodded his acknowledgment of the information. "Thank you, Ensign. Bring us out of warp, one-half impulse."

"Aye sir, one-half impulse."

Streaking stellar bodies on the main viewing screen shifted from streaks of light to various sized circles around the darkness of space. "Data, give me a full sensor sweep of the surrounding space."

From his position to the front-left of the captain, Lieutenant Command Data's fingers swept across his control console. Readings from the ship's various scientific instruments poured onto his screen at a rapid pace. For a normal humanoid, it would all seem like a blur. But it was an easy task for Data's positronic brain to process the information.

"Ship's sensors show no vessels or known habited worlds in the area. There is also no signs of weapon fire or the probe's remains"

Picard leaned back in his chair and stared out into the vast space on the viewing screen. "What do you think, Number One?"

To his right, the ship's XO Commander William Riker glanced back at his long-time captain. "Maybe a system failure on the probe? With no wreckage it doesn't seem like it was attacked."

"Perhaps." Picard rubbed his chin, "Or someone stole the probe. But there's no traces of recent fuel-based or warp-based travel in this area."

"Sir," chimed in the android Data, "the report from Starfleet had several documents included about a possible spacial anomaly in this area before the probe disappeared."

Riker shrugged, "It's a possibility. We have encountered such things before."

"Agreed. Picard to engineering."

"Engineering. This is La Forge," came over the bridge's speakers.

"Prepare a probe to check for any...spacial anomalies. "

"Aye, sir."

When the communication line was closed, Picard looked over at his XO, "With all our luck, it'll end up being Q trying to lure us into another one of his 'games.'"

"I sure hope not. I'd rather face off against Species 8472 than deal with him again."


As the probe was being prepared, the Enterprise maintained its distance from the supposed spacial anomaly. Within a half-hour, the probe was declared ready. The simple looking device was launched from the ship and steadily closed in on its destination...before vanishing from their sensors.
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