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Old 2008-07-25, 09:31   Link #361
Join Date: Jan 2004
Age: 42
Originally Posted by terrus View Post
Wow, that's a pretty good observation. Thanks for clearing up which halves of the continent were which though, I was getting kind of confused. Concerning the Scientist in the wheelchair (who is presumably from the north due to his facial markings) and the blond women and the officer with a mole on his cheek, are they members of the southern freestates or do they belong to some sort of seperate orginsation?

This is getting as similar to Eureka seven in terms of social comentary. Except whith Eureka seven it was about Japan's relationships with foreign cultures after the end of the period of isolation.

Also where does it say that Xam'd is set seventy years after a great war, is it on the website?
I believe all the characters with facial markings originate from the North. Notice how both Nakiami and the doctor seem to know naturally exactly what the Xam'd and Humanforms are? It's probably something everyone in the North knows as part of their upbringing and culture.

The 70 year thing is from the prologue synopsis on the official site. I'm sure the show will go into more details later on, like all BONES series the worldview is usually on the slow burner and builds up to really dramatic climaxes.
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