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Old 2008-08-03, 19:28   Link #23
I much prefer the 2d
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Frontier
Age: 31
Mmm well i live in California im 15 years old i guess teenager through like 25 or so is your range for "Youths" but hell no this state isnt as conservative as most people think. Theirs trash like every one and a fck load of illegal aliens here.

Yes they're alot of people who do eat healty, use hybrids, recycle, and use economicaly safe products. But thats probably a rough estimation about only 2/5s of California. I recycle just because I drink alot of soda and sobe and shit and its good money when i turn it in...well it used to be got cheap as hell now cause of gas prices <.< i do eat vegetables and stuff but im one of the weird "youths" thats actually gives a shit. Most people who you see who arn't white are not conservative at all they litter and shit and just do shit to piss people off. Im not generalizing a whole ethnicity like saying all black people are in gangs or some shit but a majority of them do this kinda crap and yea the wealthier black people or wealthier mexicans probably do all the economical crap.

Basically you will see like some people trying to make this a nice place but yea their white and ive seen it so damn much i can say it like that freely white people are just cleaner people who are like in 20s+. but Highschoolers and lol so ya NO Califonia sucks lived here 15 years i can say i hate this place more than Florida >.>

Plus i appologize for my bad grammar and if most of you cant understand one damn word i say i tend to jam things up into one huge sentance. I know bad habit x.x
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