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Old 2008-08-07, 18:22   Link #122
Mr. Awesome
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Underpants Gnome Factory
Age: 36
Originally Posted by Nervous Venus View Post
A lot of men get jealous easily and hold grudges. I almost expect it. Or else we wouldn't be having so many people filing a restraining orders on their ex-bfs/husbands ,

though women can be just as vicious.
I wouldn't say I extract revenge by being agressive,(im not that type of person). I usually do it in a much more harmful and ever lasting ways which are usually not illegal. Like talking to someones boss to get them fired, digging up dirt on it and telling everyone they know, hacking their myspace or aim accounts.

I'm not stupid enough to attack somebody in person and get put in jail for it, only morons do that and it never works. You have to extract revenge like your playing a game of chess, not like an angry ape. Otherwise the woman will always win. Only street bums resort to violence, everything can be accomplished legally, it just takes longer. The lasting effects however are much greater than a black eye. Not that I use such tactics on a regular basis, someone has to cross me pretty hard for me to do these types of things.

But I no longer socialize, after highschool I became a hermit and devote myself to my college studys. Keeping a girlfriend takes alot of money and free time, I have neither.

Last edited by Zoned87; 2008-08-07 at 18:43.
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