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Old 2008-08-11, 23:46   Link #269
Ser Fisherman
Join Date: Aug 2008
Originally Posted by The_Three_Kings View Post
I completely agree. Crocodile heavily relies on his Devil Fruit Powers and when they are nullified, he is pretty defenseless except for his poison hook.
Yeah, Crocodile was very efficient with his Logia, having trained his Logia powers much more than for example Smoker, but his physical battle prowess was weak allowing Luffy to beat him so early in the story. So for story purpose, I find his place as a Shichibukai deserved duo to his Logia powers while his physical powers was weak comparing to the other warlords. The reason his bounty was low was also probably for story purpose, if Crocodile for example had a bounty of 250 million then Luffy's bounty would have reached a very high point early in the story. Instead Oda gave Crocodile a weakness and a low bounty, allowing Luffy to defeat him when he exploited it and also allowed for a more steady increase in Luffy's bounty.

EDIT: Ops, I didn't read Blackbeard D. Kumas post through before I posted, he essentially said what I said but better hehe.
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