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Old 2008-08-14, 13:13   Link #72
oompa loompa
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Originally Posted by WanderingKnight View Post
I think you didn't understand my point. What I actually meant is that those "anti-racism policies" were actually racist in and of themselves.
No, i actually agree with you - it does promote racism in a way. I've seen plenty of what policies like that can do. What my point was, is that theyre in place based on 'racial' division only by coincidence. Lets change the scenario, lets say, instead of division according to race, there were divisions according to sects of a religion - and it just so happens that a number of these sects are somewhat economically backwards. Those same quotas would exist. Whats more, any ruling government would try and make these factions content ( itll help them stay in power longer..), so would definetly introduce policies to aid minorities.
I think were arguing about two different things. I agree that these policies which are supposed to be 'anti-racist' can be racist. What I'm saying on the other hand, is that those policies are not in place simply to fight racism. infact, its just coincidence more than anything that the divisions in this scenario are by race at all. Policies like that are stupid if the only intention was to fight racism, but thats just not the case
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