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Old 2008-08-14, 14:39   Link #2682
Not Enough Sleep
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: R'lyeh
Age: 48
Originally Posted by Zeroryoko1974 View Post
As has been said, ISML and Saimoe are apples and oraanges. I would call ISML American Saimoe. If it comes down to a close vote, the international votes can sway a contest one way or another but overall things go mostly the way the 2chaners want. Japan largely ignored ISML or the Rozen Maidens, and Hidamari Sketch characters would have likely been much higher. Klan Klan is a darkhorse in that group, don't count her out. Macross is as popular as Gundam, and she is a loli most of the time, so thats a bonus. I do wonder about Miku. She has a strong presence outside of anime, and my undrestanding she is quite popular on 2ch, and it seems that the Nanoha gang has slipped just a bit (outside of Nanoha and Fate that is). Its possible that she could knock off Hayate, but there would likely be a strong backlash from Nanoha supports if that happens
gundam don't do well in saimoe, just look at past results with the Seed and SeedD.
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