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Old 2008-08-16, 22:51   Link #1
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Join Date: Mar 2007
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Age: 36
The Watchmen (film and graphic novel)

Alan Moore's "Watchmen" is considered one of the greatest graphic novels of all time. As for me, I really enjoyed "Watchmen" and after viewing the trailer for the upcoming movie (due out in march 09), I'm really excited about it. I really love how the trailer starts off with Dr.Manhattan's transformation, as that was one of the more memorable scenes from the novel. I also liked how they used "The End Is the Beginning Is the End" by The Smashing Pumpkins since that song was also used in the movie Batman & Robin (another DC comic). As a result, the song reminds me of masked crime fighters and really sets the tone of the movie. The voice of Rorschach fits perfectly to what I imagined it to be when I read the novel. It's great how the trailer has his opening lines of the novel when he says "The world will look up and shout "save us", and I'll whisper "no"".

In the end, you can't judge how a movie is going to be based on how the trailer is. But since the trailer seems to indicate that they're going to be following pretty close to the graphic novel and since the source material is really amazing; I think the movie is going to be REALLY GOOD.

So what are yall's thoughts on the novel, and what do you think of the trailer?

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