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Old 2008-08-18, 05:08   Link #1055
Confused like hell
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: In my head
Age: 39
Originally Posted by mechalord View Post
Diethard is an underhanded guy. He spies on everyone. He used Sayoko to spy on Ashford Academy, he blackmailed Ougi, he participated in extorting Viletta. He's their spymaster and he's shady as hell. He's a liar, too. He's a "whatever it takes" kind of guy. Diethard was the one who wanted Zero to marry Tianzi.

Diethard likes theatrics and smoke and mirrors just like Lelouch. This is one of the reasons he was drawn to him.

Diethard probably has hidden cameras in Zero's room. Diethard likes to know everything. Diethard probably knows about the Geass cult, for all we know. His character has been established as being extremely intelligent, perceptive, restrained, and devious.
I would like to quote my earlier post in response to this post.

Originally Posted by LordLabyrinth View Post
Diethard betrayed Zero a little too fast. Of all the black knights, Diethard was one person I thought who wouldn't have cared who Zero is or has done. It's not like Diethard was ever troubled by moral or ethical dilemma. If anything, wouldn't Lelouch being the youngest son of the Britannia royal family make his story even more epic? The youngest son betrayed by his own father dons the mask of justice to lead the rebellion that will forever change the world! (Although the whole mask of justice is very loosely termed ). That story would be much more grand for Diethard to chronicle than say some japanese dude who got tired of oppression found a halloween mask on the eve of October 31 and decided to fight against the Britannian empire.

Unless Zero being betrayed by the Black Knights is part of his chronicle. What if Diethard thought things were going too smoothly for Zero and his story is getting a little dull. So he incites even more anger and hatred against Zero just so that Zero will be betrayed. If Zero manages to overcome this betrayal and rises stronger than ever, Diethard will have one hell of an epic to chronicle. Of course he might end up on being Zero's "To Kill" list but that would be a small price to pay for the privilege of writing about the greatest rebellion ever.
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