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Old 2008-08-19, 22:56   Link #19
Le fou, c'est moi
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Las Vegas, NV, USA
Age: 34
Originally Posted by babybro View Post
So creativity and cliche's can't be the main distractor from OEL's otherwise Manga itself would be going down the same slope.
Unfortunately, they are. You're correct of course, I personally encountered many manga which are cliched and quickly dropped them. Many other mediums have the same problem. What distinguishes OEL and normal manga is that the former has no masterpieces whatsoever. Some may be able to point out a few decent ones, but that's just about it.

So a manga fan can at least pursue their hobby knowing that with such a large pool of materials, a large pool of talents that are creating these materials, and a well-established tradition that ensure the flow of these talents, there'll be something good for them to read at least, say, once a year.

Big name pieces in manga come out all the time, and we of course hear and read about them; I haven't heard about such pieces coming out of OEL yet.

Someone who went into OEL wanting to sample the medium would just find only drudges. This might change soon -- this might've already changed -- but too bad for now, bad PR is hard to remove.

The problem with it I've said above: it's a young medium and it's an entirely derivative medium, with a much larger and more established alternative in both normal Japanese manga and normal Western comics respectively; not a very good condition to be producing masterpieces really.

Your problem will be two-folded: producing a good piece on your own and crossing the hurdle that is the (so far justified) prejudice in the general public that will definitely make your creation less respected and received than it deserves.

If you can stand that pressure, go for it. Maybe ten years from now we'll look back and your name will be on the top of the list of OEL pioneers who made the medium respectable and established.
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