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Old 2008-09-02, 15:55   Link #25
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Originally Posted by stillmissing View Post

An old picture, but perhaps a sign of things to come?

By the way, for those who've listened to the drama cds, there is a conversation between Lelouch and Suzaku at the end of Stage 0.543 The End of Blissful Summer that is very amusing in retrospect.

Just shortly before the Britannian invasion of Japan begins, Lelouch and Suzaku have a discussion about their futures when they grow up. In it, Suzaku ends up promising Lelouch that when they grow up, he will make Lelouch the emperor of Britannia. Lelouch thanks him, and promises that in turn he will make Suzaku... but then he's cut off by an explosion as the invasion begins.
I think that was made back in season one, but with the recent news it sure does seem to speak more of things.
Originally Posted by White Manju Bun View Post
Seriously does it matter? Read either the last post in the old thread or the first 3 posts of this!

Now back on topic!
I agree. While it's a tad irritating it's not like it changes matters. Let's just keep going. It's not like you can't go back and read the postings in the other one if you need to do so. You should see the Onemanga site forums. Those threads freeze after 20 pages. It's irritating.
This forum is much better.
Originally Posted by hatenshu View Post
yeah!!! damocles + fleija VS lulu geass
if damocles is gun,still we dont know what it is!
If you know the tale of Damocles it kind of makes sense. It's probably some kind of space station or something that sits so high in the sky normal weapons can't hope to reach it. It will be filled with FLEIJA bombs and Schneizel hopes to rule the world under his iron rule. Do as he commands or be literally wiped off the map.
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