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Old 2008-09-03, 18:43   Link #1
cho~ kakkoii
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: 3rd Planet
Macross Frontier - Episode 22 Discussion / Poll

Welcome to the discussion thread for Macross Frontier, Episode 22.

Thread Guidelines
  • Raw requests and offers are not permitted anywhere on this forum.
  • Spoilers about future events must not be posted in this thread.
    If you need to reference something that would spoil a future event, reply directly with a private message.
  • Discuss your expectations of the episode if it has not aired yet.
  • Be polite to your fellow forum members.
  • Please try to keep the discussion on topic.
Spoiler Policy
  • Any spoiler that reveals future events, even under a spoiler tag, will be deleted.
    Spoiler tags should still be used where appropriate.
  • Adding a Spoiler tag:
    Just highlight your spoiler and click the button found
    on the "Quick Reply" and "Reply to Thread" forms.
    Make sure that you include a title for the spoiler!
  • Please use the Report button if you see any spoilers:
    Click the button found to the left of the post, just under the poster's avatar.
    Using the Report button is anonymous and helps the Moderators
    to locate and deal with problems quickly.
  • Posting prohibited spoilers will result in a ban.
    Note: Reporting a post does not mean the poster will be banned instantly.
    The Moderators will use bans if warnings are repeatedly ignored.

P.S. Premature voting is equivalent to premature eja... uhm... Do not vote in the poll without actually watching the episode. Since the poll is public, all of us can see who those premature voters are.


Just a reminder, ladies and gents. Please don't make things personal to the point where you need to be rude to each other. The idea is to have fun with everyone else. Any personal issues you may have with any other member, please settle them in a private manner. I can tell you this much that the moderators won't stand for any poor behavior if such has been identified no matter how you try to justify your action. Please play nice!
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