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Old 2008-09-13, 07:40   Link #9984
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: at GNR, bringing you the truth, no matter how bad it hurts
Age: 39
while i have always liked tsundere characters kallen has became one of my all time fav chactarers in anime period
and for a while now i have wondered why that is since she wasnt my fav character in season 1 (not even my fav female)
infact i found her somewhat annoying as little more then a one trick pony (zero's 1# fangirl)
this season however she has become my fav female character very early on (owing partly to C.C being somewhat less interesting then she was in season 1, and later on to kallens own development)
and around ep 18 she became my fav character in show (kicking lelouch from the 1# spot)
which was somewhat odd to me at first since like i said i didnt like her at first
but then i remembered the one other character which i have had a very similer expiriance with in a diffrent but equally awesome anime (IMO)
that character is caska from berserk who also started out annoying the hell out of me for the first half of the show (season one of code geass) and turned into my favorite character later on
and kallen's development this season (and in fact both seasons) mirrors much of caska's

Spoiler for berserk spoilers and code geass plot comperassion:

all in all caska is probably one of my top five female characters in anime history and kallen (if they dont royally cock up the ending) would probably be added to that list
and with their development being so similer (IMO) i just wanted to point it out
they even shift focus from badass fighter to romantic love interest around the half way point (while still being total badasses)
it also shows how a kalulu ending is possible rather easily (just hope it doesnt end like berserk did)
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