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Old 2008-09-13, 20:58   Link #104
Join Date: Jun 2008
Originally Posted by dierapunzel View Post
Anyone care for a brief story outline of Moira? Or rather, “My View” of the story outline, that is.

01 冥王 Θανατος (Thanatos)
Basically, it’s Thanatos feel for those sufferers of his mother, Moira (Destiney/Fate), and vows to save them by welcome them to the world of dead. I won’t go into detail because the lack of objects and subjects in the lyrics makes the song fit for many kinds of interpretations.

シヲ抱ク瞳 彼ハΘ(ワレ)ノ器(モノ)
母ヲ殺メル夜 迎ェニ往コゥ 双ツハヒトツ
These are for the twin brother, Elef (エレフas they say in Japanese, maybe short for Elefseja, that’s how the old Milos called him and recorded him in his book).
The eyes that embrace death? The purple eyes? Or both? He was called Amethystos (lit: wolf with purple eyes), and the Queen of Arcadia told Leontius not to fight the man with purple eye… On the other hand, since Misia’s death, he’s probably given up hope and would have those “eyes that embrace death”.

Thanatos said Elef is his container. I first thought that Elef is Thanatos himself when Thanatos enter the world of human. But now I think maybe he’s just the “window” or “instrument” for Thanatos to get insight, and to “save” those sufferers.

And so it’s Elef who killed the Queen. But what does that “Two are one/Two become one” means? That Elef and Thanatos become one? Or that Elef reunion with Misia?

02 人生は入れ子人形 Матршка (Matryoshka)
The character based on Heinrich Schliemann, wiki him and you get his story, quite similar to what Jimang had sung.

In short, the billionaire had a difficult early life. The book (epic poem) of his mother had always been his support, along with his family. Now that he's rich he started a career as an archaeologist to uncover the places in his dream, to bring myth into history.

In the booklet you see the cover of the “book”, titled “Elefseja”(Elef), written by Milos the old poet.
Since the billionaire also concluded the album at the last track, the Greek stories are probably being told by him from his mother’s book.

03 神話 Μυθος (Mythos)
Not much to say here, just telling us how the world began.

04 運命の双子 Διδυμοι (Didymoi)/Twins
This is the happy childhood of the twins. Raised by loving parents (or who they thought to be their parents) in the mountains of Arcadia.
When the twins were playing outside, Scorpius found the house. By what the father called him, Scorpius is likely to be royal. Following the story line, he’s also ambitious but unlikely to claim the throne without oracle or war.
Scorpius wanted to recruit the father to his army to fight another country (and he could probably gain more power by it). The father refused and they battled. The twins came back at the bad timing and Scorpius ordered to capture them… It’s assumed that both Father and Mother were killed, and the twins caught.
We don’t know if Scorpius knew who the twins were or not. It seems that his main reason for the visit was to recruit the Father. But whether he knew it or not, it’s quite strange that he didn’t kill them right away. (Well, if he did that, there’ll be no Moira)

そして...女神が舞い降りたる地は――(And then, the place to which the sisters descend is――)
I once guessed that the 6 sisters descend and became 6 female characters. But that doesn’t make sense, the sisters are probably just observers like the 3 sisters in Seisen no Iberia.

水に映る月を何時の日か 取れると信じてた
So Misia dreamed as a child to take the moon shadow in the water… Mirror to the name of the 12th track.

05 奴隷市場 Δουλοι (Douloi)/Slaves
As the title, the twins were brought to the slave market, where they parted.

06 雷神域の英雄 Λεωντιυς (Leontius)
This track pictures Leontius, First Prince of Arcadia, on the front line. He possess the Lightening lance/spear. It seems that because everyone has their own interpretation of oracle, conflicts and battles spread. In order to defend the capital, they started to build a protection wall around Ilion.

It seems that Leontius had seen his younger sibling(s). The Queen had introduced his baby sibling(s) with some courtiers around. And then we know that the King did not welcome the newly-born because of an oracle, so one of the courtiers (the man who the twins thought to be their father) offered to take care of that.
The question is, the Queen didn’t say Imoto or Ototo to Leotius, just Kyotai (sibling). While Kyotai is perfect if there were two babies, one boy and one girl, we only hear one baby’s cry. And later, when Orion was said to be the abandoned prince, it feels strange that people, especially royal family, are feeling ok with only the boy’s whereabout.
I’ve read debate about the number of baby the queen had at the time, some said that one of them could be the courtier’s child. (Not likely, since they have similar eyes) And some said that the queen only let people know that she had one child. (Strange, because the oracle is not against twins, but babies born under solar eclipse)

2 oracles were mentioned. 1) The master of Lightening would become the king that rule the world. 2) The children born at the day of Solar eclipse would bring about destruction.

07 死と嘆きの風の都 Ιλιον (Ilion)/Troy
The reunion of the Twins. Misia was sold to be the apprentice of Hetaera (courtesan, sophisticated companion and prostitute. By wiki). In this track she was brought to Ilion to provide service for the priest of Anemos the Wind God. Elef was a slave that built the protection wall of Ilion, Orion was his fellow and friend, obviously skilled in archery. They both worked under the priest and suffered for the priest’s cruelty. Elef some how has the ability to see dark shadows around a person that predicts the person’s death.
And so the twins met. Just when the priest started his disgusting entertainment, Elef and Orion saved her. The three of them ran away from Ilion, with the help from Orion’s archery.
However the attack on the priest offended the Wind God, he and the Rain Goddess conceived Thyella, the goddess of Storm. And that’s probably how the three kids lost each other.

08 聖なる詩人の島 Λεσβος (Lesbos)Lesbian
This track says that the women of Lesbos found Misia by the sea; they took her to Sopia the “poetry reading consecrated female”, and Misia stayed. Sopia “detected the girl’s strange ability”(about reading stars, most likely) and guided Misia, not just about the ability, but also to be strong despite the unfortunate past.

09 遥か地平線の彼方へ Οριζοντας (Horizon)
On the other hand, Elef the boy followed the old poet Milos, travel through seas and mountains looking for Misia. They visited the old home of the twins where two graves lay. (Father and Mother’s?)
Before Milos died, he told Elef to go to Lesbos when troubled, an old friend would help him. So Elef the young man travel again, looking for Lesbos and Sopia.

And then, there are rumors about a champion in Anatolia, the famous archer Orion. People think he is the prince abandoned for born under the solar eclipse.

10 死せる者達の物語 Ιστορια (Istoria)/History
War spread. Leontius won the battle against Amazon, but didn’t kill their queen. This some how made the Amazon queen obsess about Leontius. Elef traveled, Misia far away. They miss each other and the old memories, but can feel each other’s presence, and have faith that they’ll meet again.
On the other hand, Scorpius seems to gathered all the cards he needed, and he targeted Leontius.

11 星女神の巫女 Αρτεμισια (Artemisia)
Misia has became the miko of Star Goddess. She seemed to foresee the destiny of Leon, Didymoi, and Parthenos. And then soldiers came to the shrine of Aster at night, seeking for Misia and pressed for oracle/interpretation of oracle. Misia wished no more sacrifices, and chose not to resist.

The three star signs probably indicated the three royal siblings. However it’s weird that Elef alone took Didymoi, and Misia is Parthenos just because she’s a girl. And sometimes when the lyrics called Orion as an archer/shooter, it seems to refer “Sagittarius” as well, since the writing in Japanese is the same.

12 死せる乙女その手には水月 Παρθενος (Parthenos)/Virgin
Misia was killed by Scorpius and fallen into water. Though the world was ruled by the cruel Goddess Moira, Misia accepted and loved it all as the gift of Moira.
Sopia told (dead) Misia that a young men with similar eyes had visited.
Then we hear the farewell of the twins.

So Misia finally get the moon shadow in the water.
During the farewell of the twins, Misia’s voice has special effect, probably means she’s in the other world.
Two theories about the scene of the farewell. 1) that Elef arrived Lesbos and found Misia dead there. He was looking at her body at the farewell duet. 2) that Elef was on the way of his travel, and he saw images of Misia through Styx (the river around the realm of the dead), or that Styx reflex Misia’s images to the nearby water surface for Elef to see. And only after that did Elef went to Lesbos to claim her body.
We can hear water splashes(foot steps) running to and fro before the duet, that’s why I think the 2nd theory may be possible. Misia’s body should be well cared for by Sopia and other women, and Elef would know the news before he saw her, so there’s nothing to running around for, he could just went strait up to Misia, even when she’s still in the water. But in the 2nd theory, Elef didn’t know that Misia had died, and naturally would be surprised at the image (probably with the attempt to pull her out), plus images are not as solid as real body, he might have to chase after it if it’s on flowing water…. As for why he can see the images from Styx, Elef does have special eyes to foresee death on human, and he’s Thanatos’ “instrument”, too. Thanatos probably want him to see it…
Ah, well, they’re all just guesses, I think the 1st theory is easier to present on Live, although the other one is more romantic.

13 奴隷達の英雄 Ελευσευς (Eleuseus)
After Misia’s death, Elef changed. He refused to take on anymore of Moira’s “gift” and now wish for revenge, and break that unreasonable destiny. He became the leader of slaves, Amethystos.
Back in Arcadia, the puppet King, but who shoot the Warriors of the past? And who is that Warrior? The best candidate is the Father of the twins, but he should be dead long ago, killed by Scorpius.
And it seems that Scorpius wounded Orion to his death, and Leontius killed Scorpius.

So the royal family did treat Orion good, if Leontius was revenging Orion’s death. (Only, the Queen knew who her real son is…) If not, then we are not even sure which side Orion was on. He may not part with Arcadia since he was a slave there, and the rumor of abandoned prince alone gave Scorpius good reason to kill him. As for Leontius’ killing of Scorpius, he was targeted long ago, isn’t it?

14 死せる英雄達の戦い Ηρωμαχια (Iromachia)/Hero, Battle
It seems that Elef/Amethystos had picked a timing when several countries attacked Arcadia at the same time so Leontius had to defend many places. The Queen tried to talk into Leontius not to fight Elef, but he left seconds before his mother revealed the big secret.
As Generals discuss, we learned that Orion had died, and he was one of Arcadia’s archers(although as a prince or just a soldier/general, we don’t know)
Elef’s troop broke the wall that he once helped created, Someone speculated that with such strength, Amethytos probably was one of the kin of God (Each country is protected by one God/Goddess, supposedly kin of God would be royal family members of any of the countries). And then the two brothers duel. The Queen tried to intervene, but got herself and Leontius injured to death. The Amazon queen can’t bear that Leontius died first and charges forward (to Elef?), and was killed.

15 神話の終焉 Τελος (Telos)/End
And then, Elef opened the gates of Hades, probably try to revenge on Moira, thus the question “Is the God/Goddess live or die?”.
The story’s ended, and the billionaire’s wife come to tell him that she’s pregnant, could be twins. And the billionaire decided to name them as…
Just found that I missed something from the end of track 12, Parthenos.

天翔る星屑 星女神の憤怒
(Stardust shoot across the sky, Αστηρ[Aster] is fury.)
寵愛する勇者に授けしは弓矢 神域を侵せし賊には神罰を……
(a bow and arrows are granted to the doted braves, invaded assault to punish the burglars who invaded her territory...)

Yeah, so now another god/goddess is mad at the violence in his/her shrine. One would think that since Elef is Misia's brother, he would be the "doted brave". But Elef never get to fight Scorpius, plus that bow and arrow are Orion's trade mark now... If indeed Orion was chosen to do the revenge (he and Misia only met once, though), well, good job, he was killed by Scorpius. As for Leontius, who killed Scorpius, the album never mentioned that he can shoot.
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