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Old 2008-09-23, 02:09   Link #253
simp for Lyria
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Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen View Post

Thanks ... What about spells like Holy Rain? I heard it's excellent at clearing the field. But because I've been using Yuri, a melee combo character, I'm not sure about Spell usage.
Yeah, Holy Rain is the best(and only) skill to use in the Colisieum, esp if you OVL and manage to get a few 'Lucky End's in. Her other spells are too pinpoint-ish w/slow startup times to hit medium-speed moving targets.

Ahhh one more thing, this has been on my mind for quite some time now; For skills like Strength/Defend/Resist/Evade/Vitality/Spirit/Combo Plus, is it worth stacking up the different levels or better to just use the highest level?

I'm at the stage where I have way too many great skills and not enough SP to go around
I know what you mean . I really don't use parameter-increasing skills of that nature(though I do use skills like Rita's Combat Force and Estelle's Defend Conversion). If you have some extra SP to burn, you can set the higher parameter skills(ex: Str/Def/Res 3,4) if you have them, but I don't think the lower ones would make too much of a difference unless you are at a higher level, like lv 60+ except for Vitality and Spirit. You might want to set those skills esp if you're using Rita's Combat Force(Vitality) or for Yuri(Spirit), since he has lots of arte usage.
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