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Old 2008-09-24, 09:50   Link #13788
Unashamed Kalulu fan
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: NJ
Age: 45
Well, I'm pretty sure the Animedia Conversation will take place in some way, shape or form (i.e., not word for word, but it'll kinda be there), so Kallen, Gino and Anya will learn of the promise (which I'm assuming is the ZR). Kallen will want to know why she was left out, the gum line, Lelouch either reciprocates her feelings OR at least tells her how much she means to him. Lelouch has to leave for an undetermined amount of time; hence Kallen's character song. (which I noticed indicates that she can 'catch up' to him at some point. Not sure what that means.)
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