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Old 2008-09-24, 12:44   Link #727
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Originally Posted by cerrian View Post
Consider this, they need to provide closure on:
1. The love triangle
At this point already settled to the satisfaction of the three parties. (Sheryl now knows the answer he will give her when (if) he comes back, Alto now knows what he wants, Ranka hasn't thought about Alto since she resigned herself from the triangle episodes ago). With the victory fanfare and the camera-pantastic kiss even.

2. Ranka's redemption
Hopefully, the main point of the episode. With luck Sheryl going Super Saiyan Nome on her in berserker fury and/or Alto's 'death' will be enough to shake her out of her trance early on so she can be fully proactive for at least this episode.

3. Leon's coup
Or they can just briefly kill him off, or ordered to be arrested. Problem solved.

4. Briler's secret
Can probably be resolved in a brief scene.

5. The mystery behind the Vajra and their queen.
6. Grace and her fellow conspirators' fate.
7. What happened to Galaxy and where is it now?
May never be answered?

8. Sheryl's "Nome" parentage
Not really that important, and no one except Grace knows it anyway, and possibly no one understands its significance. It could be the unspoken miracle cure for Sheryl.

9. SMS and Macross Quarter
Mecha Pron? Yes, please.

10. Vajra vs Frontier conflict
Yep, I guess this will have to be "unresolved" like the Vajra pack up and leave like in Zero. Or they successfully genocide them all to their later horror and shame when they learn they were made use of. (While elsewhere in the Galaxy, the Bird Human is telling Sara Nome "Ha! I told you so.")

11. Shery's fate
12. Nanase's fate
13. Ozma x Cathy
14. Klan, Breara, Luca
They can use the ED montage for this as the epilogue.

Last edited by glyph; 2008-09-24 at 13:28.
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