Thread: Meeting people
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Old 2004-05-07, 02:27   Link #2
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Cardboard Box
Age: 38
Originally Posted by Roots
So here's a list of reasons why I have this problem:

- I hate parties. I just don't like being in a crowded, noisy atmosphere with people I don't know. I don't see what is so fun about it, because of all the parties I've ever been to I have not enjoyed myself in the least bit.
yea, i hate parties too. can't help you find an alternative there, tho.

Originally Posted by Roots
- I hate drinking. Sorry I'm not the typical college student that gets drunk for 4 years, but I hold myself to higher standards. I'm ok with others drinking lightly, but I hate being around drunk people.
well, there are always coffee shops and social lounges.

Originally Posted by Roots
- All the clubs/activities I have been seriously involved in at college turned out to be male dominant (IEEE, jujutsu, kendo, etc.)
have you tried a book club? or maybe some sort of club that isn't violent. from my experiances, women don't crave violence like men do.

Originally Posted by Roots
- There are virtually no girls in my major or any of my classes (Computer Engineering)
try to make friends in your classes and then see if any of them can find you a date. you might not be able to find a girl in your classes, but you still might be able to find a ladies' man that can help you.
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