Thread: Meeting people
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Old 2004-05-07, 03:15   Link #5
model bliss
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Dallas, Texas
Age: 41
Uh, HoboGod, not to nit-pick or anything, but that doesn't really help. If you join "girly" clubs, then you'll get picked up as the "nice-guy", and the "friend". "Friend" is the kiss of death, I'm telling ya. Hrm . . . UTA, I think they have an anime club in their campus. You might want to try taking sociology or psychology. Or, if you're devout, I think someone mentioned that they have a world religions class. Start a study group; most people will jump on the bandwagon. Plenty of girls.

Another trick: go to the student union, and play some pool. If you are really good, some of the girls will come up and ask you to teach them. But don't act too standoffish, or it won't work. Or, if you suck horribly, look for some good pool-shark hotties, and ask them to give you some pointers. There's probably a TV room, too. Hang out there.

Or, if worse comes to worse, and you still don't have a running crew, I'm in Dallas, and some of my friends occasionally go to Austin. You could come visit, if you want.
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