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Old 2004-05-09, 04:48   Link #2
Join Date: Nov 2003
Are we supposed to reply here?
Well I guess I'll reply to question I feel like replying

2. Location (just country is fine): France
4. Well I guess I do or I wouldn't be on an anime forum
5. Well most likely I only read topics and download animes, but I'm not the kind to talk much about it though I read topics about animes.
6-7. (so this was what sort of anime?) I watch mostly any type of anime though I'm not too much into ecchi or action but I tend to look at what's up ; I particulary like dramas or shoujos and of course comedies, but this depends if the characters are sympatics to me
10. I don't think so : there are animes that you might or might not like, that's up to your taste ; even if you really like an anime it doesn't mean everybody will like it or that it will eventually be licensed...

Well that's all I had to say, I hope it might help you (I have the feeling that I misunderstood some questions, but whatever...)

Last edited by Thany; 2004-05-09 at 06:51.
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