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Old 2008-10-08, 11:44   Link #6858
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Aya Reiko View Post
Again, Kotomi lost. Tomoyo is the one who advanced.
Kotomi turned back time.

Minami Haruka vs. Ibuki Fuuko - Haruka isn't bad, but she isn't that noteworthy, either. Let's make DOZOmbie's victory more than just anti-votes.
Seto San vs. Hanyuu - I wouldn't mind Hanyu too much, but nekomimi mermeido trumps her easily.

Edomae Runa vs. Chiba Kirino - I don't like Runa anyway, and Kirino is an energetic moe.
Yuuki Mikan vs. Hiro - For the sake of the dearly-departed Yuno, all remaining HS must advance.

Hinamori Amu vs. Hiiragi Kagami - Don't care about the other show.
Fujibayashi Kyou vs. Minami Kana - I am still facepalming over Bossu's past successes. Seriously? She beat Yuno? A low total for Yuno makes me despair for this tournament regardless. Kyou's thighs will crush Bossu.

Sakagami Tomoyo vs. Izumi Konata - Konata's advance must be stopped. Looking to the waifu moe to stop her.
Ryuuguu Rena vs. Miyako - All must advance, even in the face of overwhelming odds. An honest, free spirit moe.

Shana vs. Takamachi Nanoha - She'll probably have overwhelming support on this board anyway. Plus, Nanoha's coming back as a loli next year.
Minami Chiaki vs. Kawazoe Tamaki - Again, can't see where the Minami-ke support is coming from. Chiaki was adorable when she was used as a charm against rain, but other than that she's not likable at all. Voting for the defender of justice.

Hatena Yousei vs. Furukawa Nagisa - Wtf question fairy. Gag/meme character must stopped, and Nagisa is a good one to do it.
Morimiya Aono vs. Yagami Hayate - I like Aono, and Yutaka needs revenge for being crushed by a Nanoha character two years running.

Mizunashi Akari vs. Shindou Chihiro - Eyepatch moe, nuff said.
Sanzenin Nagi vs. Hiiragi Tsukasa - Vinegar moe.

Isurugi Noe vs. Suzu - Ha, like Suzu's going to be able to win this.
Katsura Hinagiku vs. Ichijou Eika - Of course.
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