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Old 2008-10-09, 20:44   Link #317
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Originally Posted by Joachim View Post
so to sum it up, you want a more triangle related in the movie, not the "SK" related macross?

Where did I say that ?

fine by me, i would love more LT than ever anyway
and still i can't grasp your "LOGIC" that kawamori doesn't want sheryl to win, maybe the logic where he doesn't want both heroine to win would be better applied here, drop the shipping

When did I say the contrary?
I said he didn't want Sheryl to win, and not he wanted Ranka to win ...
So it's not drop the shipping .
Rather, shipping is a beautiful word I know, but you can drop it now

Originally Posted by zalem View Post
Abnormal? Um, she was showing signs of sickness long before episode 18. It wasn't like it was out of the blue. We knew something was wrong with Sheryl, we just didn't know what it was.

Yes and Kawamori said he didn't know what to do with Sheryl anymore until the 18 when someone else took it over and decided to make her die....
And seriously, the final episode shows it pretty well...
How they cured her .... It's clear they couldn't imagine something else since the concept of her dying by this disease was invented in a rushly way.
I even still laugh of that scene when I remember of it

LOL. So much bitching about Sheryl in episode one. I thought she was the best character in that episode.
So it was for you, without hope for Ranka since the beginning then.

To be perfectly honest, I wasn't that crazy about Sheryl in 18-24. I preferred her more when she didn't know she was dying. I still liked her in 18-24, but I prefer her when she is healthy and in her "I am Sheryl Nome" kick ass phase.

So you saw it too...
Her dying was too much on the story...
So much that she was elevated in a role who had nothing to do with Kawamori's true intention from the very beginning.

It's also pure logic that he didn't want Ranka to win. Otherwise, she would have. Instead we get the triangle...
Again I didn't say the contrary.
It's just also logic that how they made Sheryl and Alto share more time together since 18 , Kawamori would have really ERASED all those times if Ranka would have win, so by the same the work of his colleagues

Originally Posted by kujoe View Post
I don't know why that's hard to grasp.

Like you said so yourself, that's what he wanted. That was the original plan, but things changed along the way. Did we even watch the same show? The whole Triangler OP has Sheryl and Ranka featured all over the place.
I don't get you here ...
Even if Sheryl would not have that screentime in the serie but would have still being in the LT, they would have made the same OP .
It's called an OP best selling.
Seriously, can you imagine triangler with Brera Alto Ranka and for the music background " Kimi wa dare to kisu o suru" singed by two guys...
I don't even want to think about it...

As we also now know, Sheryl was given an extra push in terms of character development, thanks to other members of the staff. Kawamori green-lighted the move, and the result is what we have now. Frankly, I find that interesting... to think that they wanted to improve on such a character that ended up in fans growing to love said character even more.
Well each his own.
I find it pretty unfair for the one who was supposed to be the heroine on the show that's all.
I think Kawamori should have kept his course of action, the story wouldn't have been that rushed towards the end.

Originally Posted by Dash_Hunter View Post
I think you are taking some things the wrong way Seifall.

Sorry but her popularity raised after episode 5 not after episode 18, after episode 5 and untill the end of the series Sheryl mantained her popularity above every other character.
Of course her popularity raised after start date but you can't say that the 18 didn't bring her more fans... That's well known.
The " and she will die " card was even among the japanese fan a sign of her, losing the LT since Alto learned it by Klan and before making his mind...


Maybe Kawamori wasnīt expecting Sheryl to be so popular but after reading the comments of the fans he even changed future episodes.
And if you think that Kawamori spent more time developing Ranka you are wrong becuse he adimited that he developed Ranka the wrong way:
So like Sheryl Ohnogi took care of Ranka too.
If you implies by that , that he spent more time for Sheryl's character, I don't think so .
I remind him talking about the designer who did the dance for Ranka.
That one said it's cute. Kawamori was there and the designer added " I'm not talking about Ranka but the dance"...
It made Kawamori laugh..
He perfectly knew Ranka was like that and that was his intention since the beginning.
What he didn't know was Sheryl might took Ranka's place among the viewers.
He didn't know it and because of that was forced to change his script.
But since he didn't have that closeness with Sheryl's character which wasn't mean to be more than an catalysis for Ranka's growth for him, he let others screenwriter to do it.
That's why we saw Sheryl's come back in the 18 with Ranka's departure in the 21.
Do you really think that if he wanted to developp Ranka's character , he would have made her quit the scene to show more of Sheryl's one in 3 episode ?
And in the final episode when he is present; you can feel it since Ranka made her come back .
And I don't know but it seems to me you just count Ohnogi as the screenwriter . But Yoshino is here too and he also took a big part in Sheryl's developpement in the main plot .
So when you think about it, Kawamori may have began on the wrong foot with Ranka but I didn't saw that much doing,strain in Ranka's character when Orohni and Yoshino were at the controls from 18 to 24 .
They didn't put as much as with Sheryl when it comes to real change in a character which could have make more people love Ranka. This is a fact here.

And with the love Triangle, he left it open because he thinks that choosing in a LT is a stereotype and because in episode 25 he did some things that he couldnīt in SDF Macross, because his original idea for SDF Macross ending was having Hikaru flying in his fan racer with Misa an Minmei walking and wathching him in other words leaving the triangle open. But check his opinion of episode 24:

I think that's one of the reasons he choose to unresolve the triangle, but there are others which are closer to the real world than the one made of stereotype

Originally Posted by crisis View Post
Thanks to stray for the translations!
  • Kawamori on Episode 5: "This episode was written to definitively establish Sheryl as Ranka's big sister, but when we finished the script we discovered a new character through her qualities as a woman. This was our most edited script, and I still wasn't convinced this was an important character for Frontier. But Risa Ebata convinced me to give the changes a chance, and when I saw the fan response, I didn't give credit. Hours later we were in a conference with Big West to send a list of changes for episode 6 to our secondary studio."
[LIST]Ranka's character conveyed a different message, so Ohnogi sent her to a journey of re-discovery (hence Episode 21).[/LIST]
  • Though the script has been changed as early as Episode 5 to work Sheryl's character into the story, expanding Sheryl's storyline is another matter, so Ohnogi asked to leave everything into his hands; he was given free reign over Episode 18+ onwards. Here, this is where Sheryl's character is "remade" and polished in Episode 22.
  • Pineapple salad: He's teasing fans who didn't get the pineapple salad concept; it's not fatal for Skull Leaders, just womanizers. That Roy was Skull Leader and a womanizer was just a coincidence.
  • Episode 25 was Kawamori's dream made reality.
And here no one can say I twisted anything... since it's not even from me

  • Kawamori on Episode 24 : "The last frontier of the heart is yourself. The fans lovedthe scenes of Alto and Sheryl, and I must say, so did I! They look great on screen. (laughs)"

Really, IRC is the new fiber optic for this forum or what ?!
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