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Old 2008-10-13, 20:17   Link #75
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Age: 62
Originally Posted by ZODDGUTS View Post
What's Lydia's hair color again? Remember it was mentioned she had caramel colored, but it looks to me she has red hair color with green eyes something I think is typically seen in scott/ireland. Do British look down towards people that have that look? I remember hearing that somewhere that they do that, guess that explains why she was Lydia was looked down because of her scott/ireland features.
Historically, there was always bad blood between the Brits and the Scots. But I doubt the fact that Lydia has red-colored hair ("rust" and "caramel" colored are the 2 descriptions used in episode 1) would be cause enough for the others to look down on her. Queen Elizabeth I was a red-head. So it's not unheard of for Brits to have red hair.

However, on the other hand, assuming that Lydia was born and raised in Scotland, it's likely that she has a Scottish accent. A Scottish accent might be enough for the other members of the dinner party to look down on her if they are British.

However, on the third hand, Scotland and all things Scottish were very "in" during the Victorian era. This is because Queen Victoria and her husband Prince Albert loved the Scottish countryside. They were the ones who turned Balmoral Castle located in the Scottish highlands into the royal summer retreat. Balmoral Castle was their favorite home of all their residences. The queen and her consort often dressed in Royal Stewart tartan. Their private quarters were decorated in tartan. While in residence at Balmoral, they were awakened every morning by a bagpiper's playing. (I believe the tradition continues to this day.) The royals' love of all things Scottish trickled down to the rest of the aristocracy as these things tend to do. So maybe the dinner party wasn't looking down on Lydia because of her Scottish heritage at all but because of her less than upper crust dinner skills and because of her belief in fairies.

Of course, we're assuming the dinner party consisted mainly of British aristocrats. If they were Scottish aristocrats, then Lydia's heritage would not be much of an issue at all.

(Bet you didn't know I had 3 hands, didya? )

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