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Old 2004-05-11, 21:01   Link #19
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
21/m from Ontario, Canada

Anime Fan?
Yes, I've become a fairly big anime fan - I have a growing DVD collection, and am always looking out for new shows that may interest me.

Fit the gender genre stereotype?
Well, not as defined in the original post. I generally watch shows that are aimed for guys (which makes them shounen), but not usually in the action/fighting genre.

Anime becoming mainstream here?
As cindialai alluded to, in Canada, what is aired on TV is generally only the most mainstream of shows aimed at children. In that sense, anime is becoming mainstream, but I'm not sure that it is recognized as different from other forms of cartoons. To me, at least, I generally associate anime with a more diverse range of offerings aimed at a lot of different age groups and demographics - that diversity is not getting reflected. I imagine that's the same in most countries, though, except to a certain degree in the U.S.

Future of anime here?
There just really aren't enough anime fans in Canada for other genres of anime to grow; plus, Canadian content laws make it difficult (you have to show a certain % of Canadian content to get a license). There are apparently some stores that sell anime DVDs, but I haven't found many - it's really treated more like a hobby, like collecting comic books. As anime gains more acceptance in America, though, I'm sure it will spread here too.

Is it really a geeky pastime?
Well, I don't believe that any pastime is any more geeky than any other. What's "geeky" is obsession with a given thing to the point that it negatively impacts your physical and social well-being. I even don't have a problem being geeky in that way sometimes, but that's not anime's doing. That's just a part of my more introverted personality.

Would I get rid of the stereotype?
If I could get rid of ignorance and close-mindedness in general, a lot of problems would be solved. The old "jock vs. geek" mentality perpetuated by society was always rediculous, and finally society is beginning to see that as the so-called "geeks" begin to control the global economic stage.

Will becoming mainstream get rid of the stereotype?
Yes, mainstream acceptance always gets rid of the stereotypes (because stereotypes are always maintained by the majority - nobody wants to feel bad about things they like, so when the majority likes something, society eventually deems it to be okay). But, the anime world is so varied, that I'm sure there are some genres that will continue to be judged and misunderstood. We have to keep in mind, also, that the "anime otaku" stereotype is still alive and well even in Japan - most anime airs well after midnight, and only the most popular of shows gain acceptance. I'd even say venture to guess that, in America at least, anime is probably more publicly accepted than it is, for the most part, in Japan.

What would you say to the mainstream?
Open your minds, and stop being so quick to judge things you don't know... Also, it's okay if other people like things that you aren't interested in. Life's too short, so it's best to enjoy every moment you've got, and each person finds enjoyment in different things. Don't be so arrogant as to tell other people what they need to be happy, and you'll find the world a much more peaceful place.
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