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Old 2008-10-24, 00:43   Link #179
Sol Falling
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Age: 35
Originally Posted by Icehawk View Post
To the rest of the world and all who would care, he IS dead. Lelouch would be escaping his contract with CC by dying. Simply dying in my view, is far too easy an escape for Lelouch.

In the anime it is most certainly NOT made "perfectly clear" that he is dead, CC crying means jack all when you factor in every angle to this, for example, she is crying for Lelouch because she knows the burden he is going to have to go through as a cursed immortal just as she had to did while she gets to be free. This also counts for the "flashbacks" as well, he is giving up everything he attained in his hard fought and incredible life up to that point. The fact he is willing to publically sacrifice himself and force himself into isolation as WELL as have to live forever is FAR more tragic then simply dying.

Again, where the fuck are you getting this idea from?? I challenge you to find even one single passage of text from an episode which backs up this absurd and thus far completely unsupported assertion.

Provide evidence that ONLY Charles can grant immortality. Everything we have seen shows that immortals themselves pass on the immortality when their contract is fullfilled. The immortal nun caretaker that helped CC in the middle ages passed it on to her, VV passed his onto Charles, CC thus can in all likelyhood pass hers onto Lelouch.

If you cannot appreciate the magnitude of ("artistic" if you want to call it), tragedy of a person who is giving up everything they have gained and fought for in order to suffer a, in this case, *litteral* ETERNITY of relative solitude and isolation speaks volumes of the shallowness of your views. CC will only be with him untill she dies a natural death or is killed in some way and I think that is perfectly acceptable given that despite the attrocities he committed, he also did alot of good as well and he will have to suffer through her aging and dying and never being able to speak with any of his remaining friends or family ever again. Lelouch could also eventually have to suffer through the emotional torcher of providing a contract and granting a Geass onto some other young idealistic or disturbed fool and meeting failure like CC did with Mao.
C.C. can't have given Lelouch her Code because she'd have lost her memories. This is pretty much explicitly stated within the show with V.V. losing his memories when he loses his Code, C.C. losing her memories when her Code is sealed, and C.C. regaining her memories when her Code is unsealed. There's your proof.

As for Lelouch being immortal being more tragic, you're right. You know what else it'd be? Useless! See, Lelouch only actively pursued a plan that was against his self-interests because it would accomplish something: that is, world peace. Without such an equivalent for living on in atonement, why the hell would he do it? First of all, Lelouch already achieved world peace. Secondly, he'd already stopped all the diabolical conspiracies to 'force' the world to some otherwise good end: 'forced truth', 'forced peace'. He even removed all the social institutions and hierarchies which allowed unsavory people use force for bad ends (aristocracy, colonialism, capitalistic monopoly, dictatorship, etc.). Third, any further attempts by Lelouch to perpetuate the world he created could be seen as him merely enforcing his will upon the world, making him no better than his father or brother. All in all, the only way you theory could work here is if Lelouch was a masochist like Suzaku, and although those two have switched places for many things, I'm pretty sure that isn't one of them.
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